
Plugin: Antimat

The function of antifoul uses the table of words patterns, which is kept in file Matom.lua. When finding in the chat text the words proper to antifoul templates, this text is replacing by one of answer variants of table sMatCutter. The function of antifoul does not spread on users in the exceptions (main script table TableName). In table sMatCutter (in the file Vars.lua) possible to add Your one variants of replaces, but needed correctly to design the code by LUA language syntax. By default replaces table is:

sMatCutter = {
    " ... ",
    " :-@ ",
    " --'-,-{@ ",
    " :-( ",
    " :-) ",
    " 2+2=4 ",
} -- то, на что заменяем мат (варианты) -- on what we replace a floor-mat (variants)

To add the antifoul template possible by command !addmatpattern <pattern> (pattern in LUA syntax). To delete chosen pattern possible by command !delmatpattern <index>. To get the antifoul pattern list possible by command !seematpattern.

Possible to activate the function of ban users for exceeding the settled limit of foul words per minute. If the user writing more foul words then aallowed, he will ban by time set by command !setmatbantime <minutes>. To set the amount of foul words per minute, after which will be ban, possible by command !setmatpermin <count> <minutes>. It the count is 0, then the autoban function is disabled.

Option permitted foul words count per setted period stored in variable MySettings["AntiMatPerMinute"] of main configuration table. Period in minutes for foul words counter stored in variable MySettings["AntiMatPeriod"]. Ban time in minutes for limit excess stored in variable MySettings["AntiMatBanTime"]. If constant matCheckMagnets in the file Vars.lua sets to 1, the file name in magnet-links also will checks for floor-mate.

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