Autoregistration and account management

Plugin: Avtoregistracia i akkaunt.Autoregistration and account

The Bot has possibility for users to make automatic registration on the Hub by command !registration <password>. This command has a synonym regme. If function of automatic registration is disabled, the registration inquiry from the user arrives in OpChat to Hub administrations. The password is checked on the maintenance of forbidden characters (not presentes in table MySettings["AllowedChars"]) and length. Possible to restrict users share for autoregistration possibility.

The class for automatic registration is defined automatically.

Enable/disable the automatic registration by command !isautoreg.

To receive the Your own password it is possible by command !getpass. To receive the password of any user it is possible by command !getuserpass <nick>.

To delete the Your own registration it is possible by command !delreg <password>. It is necessary to specify the password to exclude casual removal of the account.

To change the profile of any user possible by command !changerank <nick> <profile>.

Also has possibility to change the Your own nick (or nick of any registered user) without registration removal. It is possible by command !changenick <nick> <new_nick> <password>. Enable/disable this function possible by command !ischangenick.

To change own password possible by command !changepass <old_password> <new_password>.

Present the CAPTCHA function on autoregistration. This function is disable by default. Thus to be registered, it is necessary to answer a question, having combined two numbers and entered their sum in chat. Enable/disable this function possible by command !autoregqestion.

Present the minimum share size function on autoregistration. To set the minimum user's share size possible by command !autoregshare <bytes>.

Enable/disable new registered users greeting in main chat possible by command !isgreetregisters. Enable/disable notice about registration for unregistered users possible by commands !isnoticeunregs.

To set the mimimal users share for autoregistration possible by command !autoregshare <megabytes> (0 - off).

In the file Vars.lua sets some constants. If to constant isSendPswNtc sets value 1, then with registration request in OP-chat sends the user's password. If to constant isSendRegRequest sets value 1, then in OP-chat sends the registration requests from users if autoregistration function is disabled.

In the language localisation file sets the text, witch sends to user if autoregistration is disable.

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