Profiles convertation

Plugin: Konvertacija profiley.Profiles convertation

This plugin serves for transformation of profiles in menu commands according to the set parametres of transformation. Probably to transform at once all files of the menu, applying the parametres of transformation set by the manager (bot will ask to enter profiles which should correspond to current profiles after transformation), and also to set the resolved profiles for any command separately. To start transformation of profiles it is possible by command !convert_profiles. To look current parametres of command of the menu of the Bot enter command !convert_profiles bsee <command>. To edit profiles of command of the menu of the Bot enter command !convert_profiles bedit <command> <profile(or profiles through space)>. To look current parametres of command of the menu of the Hub enter command !convert_profiles hsee <command>. To edit profiles of command of the menu of the Hub enter command !convert_profiles hedit <command> <profile(or profiles through space)>. To look current parametres of command of the menu of plugin with the chosen index enter command !convert_profiles psee <index> <command>. To edit profiles of command of the menu of plugin with the chosen index enter command !convert_profiles pedit <index> <command> <profile(or profiles through space)>. To interrupt converting procedure, having refused changes, it is possible by command !stop. To finish transformation of profiles according to the entered rules of transformation, it is necessary to enter command !ready. Thus copies of old files of the menu remain with expansion ".old".

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