Check for updates

Plugin: Obnovlenie i novosti Ekzekutor.News and Updates

Receives on demand the information from an official site of the project and shows the current version of script accessible to downloading, updating of plugins and new plugins, news from site.

To receive the general information with site, take advantage of command !getupdate_info. To check up updatings of script and plugins it is possible by command !getupdate_update.

Possible add the names of plugins in the exceptions list. Update information about this plugins not cheking. To add the plugin in exceptions list possible by command !getupdate_exception+ <name>. To delete plugin from exceptions possible by command !getupdate_exception- <name>. To get the exceptions list possible by command !getupdate_exceptions.

In file Vars.lua sets the website address (constant GetUpdate_URL), GZip using (constant GetUpdate_GZip), codepage name (constant GetUpdate_CP) and proxy address (constant GetUpdate_Proxy).

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