The Plugins and the general information about them

The "Ekzekutor" Bot represents a script with possibility of expansion, entering of any functions and additions, any possibilities by means connection of plugins. Represents a core for management of plugins-expansions. More in detail about rules of a writing of plugins later. Plugins are carried out in that turn in which they are put into the list of plugins. Therefore at plugin connection consider a performance priority according to properties of a plugin. The base distribution kit already includes the complete set of various plugins. You can write additions and plugins for "Ekzekutor" itself.

Plugins stored in the folder PLUGINS in the Bot's folder. Here file PLUGLIST.lua öith the list of connected pluguns and files which create plugins. In a plugin folder there should be an obligatory file Pluginfo.lua with the information about plugin and folders with localisation name in which there are necessary files of plugin.

To look the list of the connected plugins it is possible by command !plugins. To move the chosen plugin upwards by priority it is possible by command !plugins_up <index>. To move the chosen plugin downwards by priority it is possible by command !plugins_down <index>. To add a plugin in the list end it is possible by command !plugins+ <plugin name>. The plugin in the list end, with the lowest priority as plugins are carried out one after another will thus be added. The plugin name is a name of folder of plugin. To insert a plugin into the specified place of the list with a desirable index it is possible by command !plugins= <index> <plugin name>. Thus the specified plugin is inserted into the specified place of the table, in the specified turn of performance on a priority. To remove a plugin from the list it is possible by command !plugins- <index>. To enable/disable the chosen plugin it is possible by command !plugin <index>. Use this command if wish to disconnect a plugin. So it will be disconnected, but remains in the list of plugins and it can be made active if necessary.

There can be plugins which depend on other plugins (from functions available in them which are not present in given). Therefore attentively look the plugin description before to use or delete it.

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