Known fakes (fakelist)

Plugin: Poddelki.FakeList

The plugin serves for collecting of base of the found out counterfeit files with the counterfeit name (when, for example, the film is called not how actually). Such found out fakes are put into the list and the users swinging such files, warned about it. Also it is possible to check up an interesting magnet (or TTH) on presence in base of fakes. It is possible to notify operators of the Hub on all found fakes through special service. Has possibility to unload the information on fakes in file by template (for example, in HTML file for placing on WEB server).

To add TTH a known file with the counterfeit name it is possible by command !addfake <TTH> <name>[@<description>]. After the name through a symbol @ it is possible to specify as well the known counterfeit name. It is possible to specify some counterfeit names, dividing their symbol @. To remove TTH from base of fakes it is possible by command !delfake <TTH>. To edit record in base of fakes it is possible by command !editfake <TTH> <type> <value>. The parametre "type can be 1 (to edit the original name) or 2 (to edit the known counterfeit name (or names, dividing their with symbol @)).

To check up, whether there is file in base of known fakes, it is possible by command !seefake <TTH или Magnet>. To look the full list of known fakes it is possible by command !seefakes. By command !unregfakenotice the mode of the notice of not registered users about possible fakes enables/disables. Unloading Inclusions/deenergizings in file of the list of fakes it is made by command !outputfakes. Enable/disable reception of notices on fakes for itself it is possible by command !getfakes. Командой !fakestochat включается/выключается режим проверки текста в чате на предмер магнит-ссылок и TTH, котороые есть в базе подделок. By command !fakenoticetype the mode of sending notices is switched: Chat or PM. To make cleaning of base of exceptions of notices from not registered users it is possible by command !fakeexceptionsclean. To load the list of fakes from file and to add them in base it is possible by command !loadfakes <path>. Path should be full. In a file on each line should be TTH and through a blank the original name of a file. Through a symbol @ the known counterfeit name (or the names divided by a symbol can be specified also @). To inform operators on the found fake it is possible by command !fake <nick> <TTH or Magnet> <explanatory>. To unload base of fakes in text file (backup base) it is possible by command !backupfakes <path>.

Possible to load fakes list from Web. In constant FakeListWebLoadURL in the file Vars.lua sets the full URL address of the page with fakes list (format like in text file for list loading format). In constant FakeListWebLoadGZip sets the GZip using mode (1-yes,0-no). In constant FakeListWebLoadProxy sets the proxy address (if the proxy is used) for Web loading. By command !fakeswebperiod <minutes> sets the Web loading period in minutes. If sets 0 the Web loading function is disabled.

In constant FakeListFile in file Vars.lua the way and name of a file for an unloading of the information on fakes (for example, for WEB) is set. In constant FakeListPatternFile the way to template file on which there is formation of a file for an uploading is set. In constant FakeListItemSeparator The divider which will divide TTH and the description at final uploading by template is set. In constant FakeListStringSeparator the divider for elements (lines) of fakes for final uploading by template is set. In constant FakeListIsReplaseBR sets the mode of replacement of carryings over of line of template on HTML tags <br> (1 - yes, 0 - no). In the text of template keys [BotName], [hub], [time], [date] and [FAKELIST] are replaced accordingly to Bot name, Hub name, time, date and the list of fakes. In constant FakeListPatternCodapage sets the template file encoding.

The base of fakes is stored in file FakeList.lua. The base of exceptions of notices is stored in file FakeListUserExeptions.

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