Hub's records

Plugin: Rekordy.Hub records

The plugin serves for fixation and preservation of the data about records by differend parametres. They are: the maximum users on the Hub; the maximum average value of users per days; the maximum Hub share; the maximum share of users and some other. Volume the data about value of record, the data about the user, time and the other data remains. Also has function uploading the data about records in file by template (for example, for WEB) and possibility to make graphical userbars.

Enable/disable the function of unloading in file by command !iswrightrecords. Enable/disable the function of making userbars by command !iswrightuserbars. Enable/disable possibility to watch records at not registered users it is possible by command !isrecordsforregs. To look statistics of records it is possible by command !seerecords. Enable/disable conclusion in chat of messages on new records it is possible by command !isnoticerecords. To deduce in chat the statistics of the basic records for all it is possible èí command !showrecords. To look statistics of records for the chosen period it is possible èí command !seerecordsperiod <date1> <date2>. Here underlined initial date of the period and final in format

To edit records in base it is possible by command !editrecords <index> <type> <value>. Index can be 1 (users peak), 2 (share peak), 3 (user share peak), 4 (average value of users per day). Type can be VALUE (param value), TIME (record's time in seconds, since 01.01.1970), MARK (mark).

To edit history of records it is possible by command !editrecordhistory <year> <month> <day> <index> <type> <value>. Index can be 1 (users peak), 2 (Hub's share peak). Type can be MAX (maximum param value), AVER (average param value), MARK (mark in seconds, since 01.01.1970).

In constant RecordsFile in file Vars.lua the path of file for an uploading of the information by records in file is set. In constant RecordsPatternFile set path to file of template for uploading. In constant GetRecordsPatternFromURL the mode of reception template from URL is set (1 - yes, 0 - no). If the template turns out from URL addresses in path constant to template should be specified full URL template pages. In constants GetRecordsPatternFromURL_GZip, GetRecordsPatternFromURL_CP and GetRecordsPatternFromURL_Proxy parametres of use GZip, the coding and the proxy-server address (if function of reception template from URL is active) are set. In constant RecordsWrightPeriod the period in minutes of an uploading of the information in file is set. In constant isUseRecordsPatternCache the mode of use of a cache of the text of template is set (1 - yes, 0 - no). If the template is formed dynamically (for example, from URL by means of dynamic page) do not use template cache. Pattern template file codepage encoding sets in constant RecordsPatternCodapage.

In the table CustomUserBars in file Vars.lua sets the list of userbars. In each userbar table are sets:
Userbar pattern file path,
Filename path of userbar in "userbars" folder (which must be copied from the plugin's folder to HTTP server directory),
Get or not the pattern from URL-address (then the pattern path must be the full address of the page) (1-yes,0-no),
Pattern encoding for conversion to the current server encoding (or an empty string if the conversion is not required).

In the text of template for an uploading flags [BotName], [hub], [time], [date] are replaced with Bot name, Hub name, time and date. Also following flags are accessible:
[MAXUSERSVALUE] - Maximum of users;
[MAXUSERSTIME] - Time of a maximum of users;
[MAXUSERSMARK] - Mark of maximum of users;
[MAXHUBSHAREVALUE] - The maximum Hub share;
[MAXHUBSHARETIME] - Time of the maximum Hub share;
[MAXHUBSHAREMARK] - Mark of the maximum Hub share;
[MAXUSERSHAREVALUE] - Maximum user share;
[MAXUSERSHARETIME] - Maximum user share time;
[MAXUSERSHAREMARK] - Maximum user share mark;
[MAXUSERSPERDAYVALUE] - Average users count per day;
[MAXUSERSPERDAYTIME] - Average users count per day time;
[MAXUSERSPERDAYMARK] - Average users count per day mark;
[MAXUSERSTODAY] - Current day users maximum;
[USERSCOUNT] - Current users count;
[SHARESIZE] - Current hub share;
[RAWSHARESIZE] - Current hub share in bytes;
[] - Maximum users for chosen date;
[] - Average users per day for chosen date;
[] - Average users per day for chosen date mark;
[] - Maximum hub share for chosen date;
[] - Average hub share per day for chosen date;
[] - Average hub share per day for chosen date mark;
[] - Average of users for the chosen period from initial date to the final;
[] - Average hub share for the chosen period from initial date to the final;
[NICKLIST:text_pattern] - Online users list. Pattern can contain text, which is used for each user. In the text flags %NICK%, %SHARE%, %DESC%, %CLASS%, %EMAIL%, %IP%, %CLIENT%, %TAG%, %MODE%, %TYPE% are replaced with nick, share, description, class, email, IP, client, tag, connect mode and connection type.

The base of records is stored in file HubRecords.lua.

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