Commands spy

Plugin: Uvedomlenie o komandah.CmdSpy

This function allows to users, whose class not below resolved in function options, to receive from bot the notices on commands which are entered by users. Function individual at will. Has possibility to bring command which should not be subject to viewing by the informer, in the special list of exceptions. To receive notices it is possible only about commands of those users, which not above you by rank.

The minimum class for reception of notices is set by command !setmincmdspyclass <class>. Addition in the list of exceptions of command which should not be caught by bot, is made by command !addcmdexception <command> in lowcase. Removal from command exceptions by command !delcmdexception <command>. Commands from the list of exceptions are accessible by command !cmdexceptions. To activate for itself reception of notices (if your class not below resolved for the informer), it is possible by command !getcmdnotice. Also it is possible to disable reception of notices.

The list of addressees of notices is stored in file CmdNoticeRec. The base of commands-exceptions of the informer is stored in file CmdExceptions.

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