
Plugin: Zhaloby.Complaints

This plugin serves for automatic punishment of infringers of an order on the Hub on which complaints from users arrive. When on the certain user the set quantity of complaints arrives, the user temporarily bans, and the counter of complaints to it is nulled. Users can complain only once of each user, their IP-address that it was impossible to complain twice of the same user is thus remembered. When the complained user leaves the Hub, its complaint is cancelled. Also the user can withdraw the complaint to other user. Administration (and at desire and VIPs) can complain and forgive any users beyond all bounds. The quantity of complaints before punishment depends also on class of the user on which complaints arrive.

To complain of the user it is possible by command !complaint <nick>. To forgive the user about whom you made the complaint, it is possible by command !forgive <nick>. To look quantity of complaints to you it is possible by command !complaints (operator will receive the list of users with the received complaints). The maximum number of complaints before punishment depends on class. The Hub administration has the trebled threshold of complaints.

The quantity of complaints before punishment is set by command !complaints_em <count>. This quantity is base for formation of quantity of preventions for each class. Ban time for punished in minutes is set by command !complaints_bt <minutes>.

In constant isVIPCanUnlimCompl in file Vars.lua possibility for VIPs beyond all bounds is set to complain of users (1-yes,0-no). In constant isVIPCanUnlimForgv possibility for VIPs beyond all bounds is set to forgive users (1-yes,0-no).

The list complained with the office information is stored in file Complaints. The list of the warned is stored in file Warners.

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