Operators can switch off and include again possibility to users write to chat by command !ismainchat.
It is possible to create and delete text files which are stored in the folder txt. To begin file creation, enter command !createtxt <filename>. The file name without the extention. The dialogue interface of file creation will open. In Ekzekutors's PM enter content of the text file. To finish creation and to keep a current file content possible by command !save in Ekzekutors's PM. To get the current file content possible by command !show. To break procedure of file creation possible by command !exit. To delete the text file possible by command !deletetxt <filename>.
This function makes users nicks checking on conformity to rules. Enable/disable this function by command !checknicks <mode>.
Modes from 0 to 7:
This function serves for prohibition to not registered users to use the main chat until they will not be registered. Enable/disable this function by command !chatforregs.
This function serves for prohibition to not registered users to use private messages until they will not be registered. Enable/disable this function by command !pmforregs. It is possible to write to operators and not registered.
This function serves for prohibition to not registered users to use downloading of files (acceptance by a server of search requests and requests to connection). Enable/disable this function by command !dlforregs.
This function serves for check the chat messages of not registered users on "humanity". At the first attempt to write in chat Bot asks to enter the password which is represented on picture. At right answer the further using a chat is allowed. Enable/disable this function by command !antibotchat. In constant CAPTCHA_ChatClass in the file Vars.lua sets the maximum class for check.
This function serves for check the PM messages of not registered users on "humanity". At the first attempt to write in PM Bot asks to enter the password which is represented on picture. At right answer the further using a PM is allowed. Enable/disable this function by command !antibotpm. In constant CAPTCHA_PMClass in the file Vars.lua sets the maximum class for check.
This function serves for check users nicks on conformity to the templates sets in the list of bad nicks. If the user's nick corresponds to one of available in the list of bad nicks template it cannot enter on the Hub, yet will not change the nick. The list of bad nicks is stored in file BadNicks.lua. To get the list of the bad nicks templates possible by command !seebadnicks. Template addition in the list of bad nicks is made by rules of short patterns by command !addbadnicks <short_pattern>. To delete the bad nick pattern possible by command !delbadnicks <index>.
This function serves for check users nicks on presence in them templates of obligatory nicks content (opposite to bad nicks function). If templates are set and in user's nick not found conformity to these templates the user cannot enter on the Hub. The list of obligatory nick templates is stored in file OblNicks.lua. To get the obligatory nick templates list possible by command !seeoblnicks. Template addition in the list of obligatory nick templates is made by rules of short patterns by command !addoblnicks <short_pattern>. To delete the pattern from the obligatory nick template possible by command !deloblnicks <index>.
This function serves for an interdiction of files downloading (search and connection requests) to users, whose share size less than the minimum established. To set the minimum share size possible by command !downloadminshare <megabytes>. If the settled share size is 0 the check function is disabled.
Function used to block sending the same PM messages more then specified amount per minute. To set the allowed amount PM messages per minute possible by command !blocksame <number>. If the number is specified as 0, the function will be inactive.
The function allows you to set limits on the PM recipients amount per minute from one user. Effectively to eliminate spam in private messages. If the number of users who sent a private message exceeds the permitted number per minute, the message is prohibited. Set the allowed number of private messages per minute possible by command !pm_count <number>. If the number is sets as 0, the function will be disabled. If the constants PM_antispam_OP_Notoces in file Vars.lua set to 1, then when the Hub's operators will receive a notification about user exceeds the limit.
In table BASIC_commands in the file Vars.lua sets the commands for use. Possible to change the commands text.