Greetings and farewells (messages in chat)

Plugin: Privetstviya.Greetings

This plugin serves for conclusion in chat the text of greeting or farewell when login or logout user for whom it is established, or the greeting or farewell for its class is active.

To set class of users from which it is authorised to add to itself own greeting or farewell it is possible by command !greetingscustomclass. Enable/disable function by command !isgreetings. Enable/disable greetings and farewells by classes possible by command !isgreetingsclasses.

Also has possibility to add the text templates of greetings and farewells in gallery. To add the text of greeting or farewell in gallery it is possible by command !greetingsgalleryadd <text>. To remove the text with the chosen index from gallery it is possible by command !greetingsgallerydel <index>. To look the text in gallery with the chosen index it is possible by command !greetingsgallerysee <index>. To look all gallery it is possible by command !greetingsgalleryshow.

To add class for greeting and farewell it is possible by command !greetingsclassadd <class>. To remove class from greetings and farewells it is possible by command !greetingsclassdel <class>. To look classes with greetings and farewells it is possible by command !greetingsclasses. To set for class greeting or farewell it is possible by command !greetingsclassset <class> <index> <text>. Index can be 1 (greeting) or 2 (farewell).

To set to user greeting or farewell it is possible by command !greetingsuserset <nick> <index> <text>. Index can be 1 (greeting) or 2 (farewell). To remove greetings and farewells at the user it is possible èí command !greetingsuserdel <nick>. To look greetings and farewells of the chosen user it is possible èí command !greetingsusersee <nick>. To look all users with greetings and farewells it is possible èí command !greetingsusers.

The standard text of greeting and farewell for users is set in constants greetingsDefaultLogin and greetingsDefaultLogout in file Vars.lua. The name of the informer (bot) is set in constant greetingsBotName. By default it is an empty line. Standard classes with greetings and farewells are set in the table greetingsClassesTable. The base of users with greetings and farewells is stored in file GreetingsTable.lua. The base of classes with greetings and farewells is stored in file GreetingsClassesTable.lua.

At text addition possible to use keys [curUser], [hub], [time], [date], [BotName] which are replaced with user nick, hub address, time, date and Bot name accordingly.

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