Speed limitation lookup, rules for slots

Plugin: Proverka ogranichenia skorosti.CheckSpeedLimit

This function of viewing users tags on the fact of speed restriction by them. It is possible to establish is minimum admissible restriction of speed below which the user will be kicked. Also it is possible to check on absence of restriction (if presence of restriction of speed is obligatory). It is possible to establish obligatory minimum restriction of speed, below which user will be kicked. Check is made periodically, through the set time interval in minutes.

To set is minimum admissible restriction of speed in kilobytes it is possible by command !checkspeedlimit <number>. To set the minimum obligatory restriction of speed in kilobytes it is possible by command !checkspeedunlimit <number>. If the number is specified as a zero check function is disconnected. The check period in minutes is set by command !checkspeedperiod <minutes>.

To set class from which check on restriction of speed is not conducted, it is possible by command !maxclassspeedlimit <class>. Thus this class and above are not checked on restriction of speed.

It is possible to add any user in the list of exceptions when the Bot will not check this user on restriction. It becomes by command !speedlimitexept+ <nick>. Removal of the user from the list of exceptions is made by command !speedlimitexept- <nick>. The list of users in exceptions is accessible by command !speedlimitexept. The list of nicks-exceptions is stored in file LimitExept.

To set rules for quantity ñëîòîâ it is possible by command !checkslotrule <min> <max>. Thus the minimum number of slots and the maximum number of slots which users can have is underlined. If command parametres are not specified (or are specified as 0) rules are cleared.

Also has possibility to set rules for slots and speed for the chosen classes by subnets (Nets plugin needed) by command !ssrulesset <subnet_index> <class> <type> <value>. Type can be 1 (max allowed speed limitation KB), 2 (obligatory speed limitation KB) or 3 (rules for slots, min and max count through space). Type 0 will remove rules for the given class for chosen subnet. To remove rules for chosen subnet it is possible by command !ssrulesdel <subnet_index>. To look rules list it is possible by command !ssrulessee.

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