The plugin searches for files in Hub with TTH from the list and kick users who have these files. Search parameters possible to set. It is possible to download list of TTH from text file (one TTH per line) and backup the current base of prohibited TTH in the file. Possible write the log of kicks.
To add TTH in base of forbidden files possible by command !forbidtth+ <TTH>. To delete TTH from the base possible by command !forbidtth- <TTH>. To see the list of forbidden TTH possible by command !forbidtth. To load TTH list from the text file possible by command !forbidtthload <full_path>. To backup current forbidden TTH base in file possible by command !forbidtthsave <full_path>.
In the file Vars.lua in constant ForbidShareTTH_step sets the period between search request portions in seconds. In constant ForbidShareTTH_portion sets the TTH count per one searching portion. In constant ForbidShareTTH_period sets the minimum period of repeated TTH list search in minutes. If the list has been passed before this period, the second list pass will begin only after this time. Ban time in minutes sets in constant ForbidShareTTH_bantime. If constant ForbidShareTTH_LogEnable sets to 1, the kicks log will be enabled. In constant ForbidShareTTH_LogKeepPeriod sets the log stored period in days. In constant ForbidShareTTH_LogPath sets the path to the log folder (slash at the end is required). TTH base in file ForbidShareTTH.
It is possible to write ban logs to file. If constant ForbidShareTTH_LogEnable sets 1, then the log will be active. The number of days storing files specified in the constant ForbidShareTTH_LogKeepPeriod (if set to 0, the files are stored permanently). In constant ForbidShareTTH_LogPath sets path to log files.